Queering the Interior: Shame, Masculinity and Twentieth-Century Interior Design
Join us on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 12:00 to 1:30pm CDT for a discussion about Queering the Interior: Shame, Masculinity and Twentieth-Century Interior Design. This SAH CONNECTS program concerning interiors will be significant as a collaboration between two professional organizations, the SAH Historic Interiors Group (HIG) and the College Art Association (CAA). Timothy M. Rohan, co-chair of HIG’s Events and Conferences Committee, will organize the event, introduce it, and participate. The editor-in-chief of CAA’s Art Bulletin, Christy Anderson, will moderate the discussion. It will bring together authors who have written about queerness, shame, and interiors for a special March 2024 issue of the Art Bulletin. The program will drawRead More →