HIG Fall 2023 Newsletter
The Fall 2023 Newsletter shares news about forthcoming events, new Advisory Board members, new Working Committee members, and HIG members in the News.Read More →
The Fall 2023 Newsletter shares news about forthcoming events, new Advisory Board members, new Working Committee members, and HIG members in the News.Read More →
The Historic Interiors Group welcomes incoming Co-Presidents Anca I. Lasc and Patricia Lara-Betancourt. For the coming 2023-2025 term, Anca Lasc and Patricia Lara-Betancourt have proposed a Co-Presidency. Both Anca Lasc and Patricia Lara-Betancourt are historians of the interior, with a focus on the nineteenth century. However, their research areas complement one another geographically. While Anca’s work mostly focuses on Euro-American interiors, Patricia’s looks at their Latin American counterparts. Anca was the Co-Founder of HIG with Paula Lupkin and Mark Hinchman and she served as the organization’s Founding Secretary in its first two years of existence within SAH. She thus possesses unique insights into HIG’s operationalRead More →
Monday, May 1, 2023 (online) Time: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time Zone) via ZOOM Register to attend by emailing whitestudio@rogers.com Description: This online event, sponsored by the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians, brings together three archivists in the field with diverse perspectives and from different geographies. This event explores the concept of flow as a frame for considering the relationship of the historic interiors research and the archive. Is it possible to re-frame historic interiors as an independent and yet substantial discipline in the realm of architecture and what is the contribution that the archives can provide towardsRead More →
The Society of Architectural Historians Historic Interiors Group (HIG) and Chelsea College of Art (UAL) announce a collaborative program “Delving Inside: New Research Symposium on Interiors.” Graduate students, postdocs and recent graduates (2020-) from diverse disciplinary fields of study are invited to send proposals for brief 10-minute talks. Read More →
Now in its third year as an organization, HIG continues to build community and promote the advancement of the study of historic interiors, both within existing SAH membership and beyond. The Spring 2023 Newsletter includes a calendar of events and reports on committee activities.Read More →
Historic Interiors Affiliate Group (HIG) of the Society of Architectural Historians Fall 2022 Newsletter and Calendar October 7, 2022 Now in its third year as an organization, HIG continues to build community and promote the advancement of the study of historic interiors, both within existing SAH membership and beyond. HIG’s president, secretary and executive board work to accomplish this goal through event programming, research projects, collaboration with other organizations, and the endorsement of sessions and activities at the annual SAH meeting. Last year the Emerging Scholars Committee hosted a second symposium, this year through SAH Connects. Their work has become a foundation of our group,Read More →
HIG Annual Emerging Scholars Symposium on June 10 & June 17, 2022 This symposium, sponsored by the SAH Historic Interiors Affiliate Group (HIG), brought together Emerging Scholars and early-career professionals from across the globe to discuss digitality in relation to the study and practice of historic interiors. The shift to virtual work and learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has provoked lively debate among scholars and students about the benefits, and risks, of substituting digital platforms for built space. More sustained attention is required, however, to assess the impact of digital media on interiors as a discipline—particularly where the interiors involved predate digitization asRead More →