We welcome all those interested in learning and teaching about historic interiors, broadly defined.

If you are interested in joining the Historic Interiors Group, please sign up as an affiliate member of the Society of Architectural Historians, as it is required to fully participate in HIG’s activities.  There are two pathways to membership.

If you are already a member of SAH, or wish to join the organization, adding HIG membership comes at no additional cost. When renewing or joining, you will be able to indicate on the membership form the Affiliate Group(s) you would like to join. If you are a current SAH member, please email membership@sah.org and indicate the Affiliate Group(s) that you would like to join.

If you wish to participate in HIG activities only, you can join SAH at the Affiliate Membership rate ($25/year), which gives you complete access to all SAH Affiliate Groups as well as the HIG Group Page on SAH Commons, where much of our work will be centered.