Delving Inside: A New Research Symposium on Interiors – to be held on June 9, 2023.
The Society of Architectural Historians Historic Interiors Group (HIG) and Chelsea College of Art (UAL) announce a collaborative program Delving Inside: New Research Symposium on Interiors. The event will showcase innovative projects, highlighting groundbreaking research and methods in the historical study of the conception, design, representation, experience, preservation and interpretation of interior spaces across time and geography. We seek work notable for its creative exploration of archival material, oral history, theoretical methods, fieldwork, and interpretation, with a special emphasis on the revision or reconceptualization of the interiors history canon. Graduate students, postdocs and recent graduates (2020-) from diverse disciplinary fields of study are invited to send proposals for brief 10-minute talks. The presentations will take place virtually via a live Teams webinar on June 9, 2023.
Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words and a 2-page CV by April 21, 2023 (New Deadline!) to