HIG Event, Friday, October 21, 2022

Moderator: Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, HIG Research Committee

At SAH 2022 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, HIG President Paula Lupkin presented a paper based on extensive research into the historiography of interiors in several major scholarly journals, including the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, the Journal of Design History, and Winterthur Portfolio.

The Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians (HIG) and its Research Committee invite you to participate in an online working session to examine new research on the history of interiors.

At this session participants will discuss and analyze the research and findings of her paper and develop guidelines for future research into additional journals.

Zoom Event:

  • 10-11:30am  Central US Time
  • 11-12:30pm  Eastern US Time
  • 4-5:30pm     London Time

Paper to be pre-circulated to those who register 2 weeks prior, October 7.

RSVP to Karen White, HIG Secretary whitestudio@rogers.com by October 19.